© jgobrb.org
jgobrb Virtual Bridge Club
JGOBRB Virtual Bridge Club JGOBRB Virtual Bridge Club offers the Bridge Player many options to get back playing, especially where their Home Club aren’t offering a Virtual game. It works like this: You join it as a Club (Annual Fee €20), and each game Costs €5. We recommend that you pre- pay for a number of sessions. Regular balance updates will be issued via email. When you join, you supply your Name (*), CBAI Reg. No’s (*), Grade (*) and Home Club. The (*) indicates required data. The reason for your Home Club is that of the €5 session fee, €2 will either go back to your Home Club each September, or if that is not feasible, will go back to your account. We need your CBAI details to return Master Points where applicable. Common types of Games & Likely Schedule While RealBridge supports the full range of Bridge Formats, we feel that the most common will be Matchpoint Pairs, plus a “Practice/Home” session. The Home session will simply be where four regulars book a table at a Practice session. Since there is no CBAI element to this format, the fee for these sessions will be only €3, so the €2 residual will not apply. We propose an initial schedule of: Practice/Home – Monday @ 10:30am Thursday @ 7:15pm Saturday @ 7:15pm Matchpoint Pairs – Monday @ 7:15pm (Inter. A and better only) Wednesday @ 7:15pm Friday @ 7:15pm We would hope to include Sessions for younger players (under 40’s, ish!), and Novices as required. If you’d like to try it, you can try one of The RealBridge “Taster” sessions at https://realbridge.online/try-realbridge.html or, if you’d prefer, you can join – with or without a partner – any of our Practice Sessions. Simply send an email to either: admin@jgobrb.org OR secretary@rineannabc.org We will send you the link and session details promptly. This will include a Camera/Mic test link, and the two useful start-up documents. Further details are on our website www.jgobrb.org

How to Join

© 2022 - jgobrb.org
jgobrb Virtual  Bridge Club
JGOBRB Virtual Bridge Club JGOBRB Virtual Bridge Club offers the Bridge Player many options to get back playing, especially where their Home Club aren’t offering a Virtual game. It works like this: You join it as a Club (Annual Fee €20), and each game Costs €5. We recommend that you pre-pay for a number of sessions. Regular balance updates will be issued via email. When you join, you supply your Name (*), CBAI Reg. No’s (*), Grade (*) and Home Club. The (*) indicates required data. The reason for your Home Club is that of the €5 session fee, €2 will either go back to your Home Club each September, or if that is not feasible, will go back to your account. We need your CBAI details to return Master Points where applicable. Common types of Games & Likely Schedule While RealBridge supports the full range of Bridge Formats, we feel that the most common will be Matchpoint Pairs, plus a “Practice/Home” session. The Home session will simply be where four regulars book a table at a Practice session. Since there is no CBAI element to this format, the fee for these sessions will be only €3, so the €2 residual will not apply. We propose an initial schedule of: Practice/Home – Monday @ 10:30am Thursday @ 7:15pm Saturday @ 7:15pm Matchpoint Pairs – Monday @ 7:15pm (Inter. A and better only) Wednesday @ 7:15pm Friday @ 7:15pm We would hope to include Sessions for younger players (under 40’s, ish!), and Novices as required. If you’d like to try it, you can try one of The RealBridge “Taster” sessions at https://realbridge.online/try- realbridge.html or, if you’d prefer, you can join – with or without a partner – any of our Practice Sessions. Simply send an email to either: admin@jgobrb.org OR secretary@rineannabc.org We will send you the link and session details promptly. This will include a Camera/Mic test link, and the two useful start-up documents. Further details are on our website www.jgobrb.org

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